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Monday, September 10, 2012

Good Show!

"Black Dog"

Yesterday's show was a little bit of a milestone for me.  It's the first one I have done on my own without having my husband's help.  I was provided one 8 ft table.  No floor space so I couldn't bring my panels.  All I had were my table cloths and my little wooden displays for my mini paintings and some on easels in between the displays.  I ended up selling ten paintings!  That's a good day.  I also got invited to do another boutique like this one, at a different Buddhist temple in Palo Alto.  I like being able to set up my shows by myself and keeping them low key with just my smaller works.  I will still need Mike's help when I do the bigger events like the Garlic Festival and Villa Montalvo, but if I can do these indoor small shows in between, that's awesome.

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