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Friday, February 1, 2013

Need To Powder My Nose

"Need To Powder My Nose"

I saw this  siamese cat on the porch of an older suburban house.  She looked very regal and was good at ignoring me.  She seemed only interested in how she looked and felt at that moment, she knows it's her porch, her house after all!  I wish I could have got a decent picture of her beautiful blue eyes, but she didn't feel like letting me so I took what I could get ; D

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

California Dreaming

"California Dreaming"

I really have a thing for these little California bungalows, with their orange trees bursting with fruit.  They are so nostalgic and charming, I want to paint a series of them.  I am excited about the upcoming year and what it holds : D

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

"Wednesday's Tulips"

Another subject I grabbed from the floral department of my local grocery store.  I know it's not a complicated subject, but I like painting flowers and it felt good to grab these and come home and paint them, yes it did.  I decided that starting in 2013, I would not be posting seven days a week on Dailypaintworks.  I will continue to paint everyday, but I wanted to take some pressure off of myself.  I have been feeling like a bit of a hamster on a wheel and that's not good.  So I figure, quality is better than quantity ; D