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Saturday, January 19, 2013

Eye Candy

"Eye Candy"

At the local farmer's market beautiful veggies, fruits and flowers flow.  It is one of my favorite places to visit.  Today there was a really cool little band and I took lots of photos of people enjoying the really good vibe.  I hope to mine some fun paintings from them.  My husband Mike shops for dinners, I go for the photo op ; D

Thursday, January 17, 2013

January Sky

"January Sky"

When the sky treats me with dramatic clouds I can't help but be amazed by them.  They are just so beautiful it's hard to re-create them with paint, but I try ; D . 
I am winding down my mellowness and about to get very busy again as I need to get new inventory to the places that carry my work, it's a good thing, need to get moving.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Thursday Morning, January

"Thursday Morning, January"

I am still trying to kind of chill, I don't know who I think I am! I still feel a little burned-out from a very hectic 2012 and I am easing into 2013 slowly.  One of the reasons I decided not to join in on Artists Helping Artists 30-day challenge, is I didn't want to have any pressures on me in January.  I want to paint, but I don't want to HAVE to paint.  So I was relaxed today when things in my world went south and I realized I wasn't going to get the painting hours in I hoped for today.  I decided to to relax and roll out an older painting that I have always been fond of and still have.  I gave it a new title and chilled ; )

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Powell and Market

"Powell and Market"

I received an e-mail this morning from my favorite artist, Karin Jurick. Karin has started a new blog answering artists questions, and doing a basic, this is how I did it, demo.   How great is that!  I love her work and the lesson today helped me to do this painting.  I tried to just paint the shapes and leave the tiny details for last.  I have a long way to go, but each painting I do gets me closer.  Karin's art is so inspiring that any time I see one of her paintings I want to run to my studio and move around some paint!