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Saturday, December 22, 2012

Katie and Rocket

"Katie and Rocket"

I am able to share this Christmas commission since she has already received her gift.  The little girl, Katie, lost her horse to old age recently.  Katie's loving grandmother had me paint this for her.  According to her grandmother, Katie loves all things horses.  I loved painting something with so much meaning.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

"Vintage Brides"

Ok, 4 commissions done, 4 to go...I love what I do so it's all good.  I just haven't been able to christmas shop much. 
 I am not caring too much about anything material this Christmas, in light of all that has happened and the horrific tragedy  inflicted on the people back east, I can just feel grateful for my family and my friends and all that is good in my life, for which there is a lot.