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Saturday, July 21, 2012

"Two Garlics are Better than One"

I have been having fun painting garlics in preparation for the up-coming Gilroy Garlic Festival.  They are satisfying to paint, with their rounded, bulb shape ; )

Friday, July 20, 2012

Jackie's Style

"Vintage Secretaries"

I love these Jackie Kennedy style suits.  My mom sported a pink one : )  I want to have a good selection of these pattern paintings at my up coming show, people seem to have a fondness for them, and so do I.  They are pretty fun to paint!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Vintage Housewives, 2

"Vintage Housewives, 2"

This is Vintage Housewives, 2 because I painted this pattern before, on a mini 2x3 inch canvas.  This time I left out the lettering and painted them a little differently, on a hand-stretched  4x 6 inch canvas.  I thought they deserved to be painted again.  They were the kinda housewives that were not dripping in diamonds, gossiping about their friends and being backstabbers from hell!  They may not have been as much fun to watch though ; )

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Big Daddy

"Big Daddy"

This is Margie's rooster.  Margie says he is really protective of the hens and looks out for them.  She also let me give him a name, so I named him "Big Daddy".  I like having the honor of giving him his name : D

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Taking Care of Business

" Spackles the Hen, Taking Care of Business"

I got to visit Margie and her barn filled with chickens, baby chicks and one fine looking rooster.  This was Spackles, the hen,  she hopped up to her chicken condo and showed off her eggs.  What a great looking model.  Thanks again Margie!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Painting Nostalgia

"Vintage Sixties Gals"

I am a getting a little addicted to painting these vintage patterns. I love this era especially and it's so much fun to paint nostalgia.