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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Breaking the Fall..

The colors of this season are my favorite, rich deep yellows, burnt oranges, golden browns, apple reds, cool purples and splashes of brilliant blues and vibrant greens. There is a lot of paint being splashed around my studio : ) If you happen to be in the area, I will be at the newly renovated Gilroy Center for the Arts, 7341 Monterey street, Gilroy, CA, this weekend Oct 15th, 16th 10am to 4pm. If you aren't close to Gilroy, check out wwwdailypaintworks.com/ I joined this daily paint site in late summer and I have been posting a painting a day. I thought I was plenty ahead, but 7 days a week catches up fast, so I am off to my studio to paint some more, poor me : ),

Happy Autumn!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Signing posters : )

My booth at the Fest, 2011

Me, Kyle and Kristina on the Cook-Off Stage, Mike taking the photo

Kristina meets Celebrity Chef, Angelo Sosa at the Cook-off Table

Garlic Festival Cook-Off Blast 2011

Wow! It's been such a great summer! My Crew and I, Mike and Kristina, made it through another Garlic Festival and it was a blast. Besides winning first place in the poster contest this year, I did a special project for the Garlic Festival Cook-Off. I was honored to be asked to paint 14, 5" x 7" watercolors. One original each for the eight contestents, and the five judges. A Special box was created to hold the painting and all of the other goodies they received. The Garlic festival then printed some of the selected paintings to give as gifts to their sponsors. My gift for doing this special task was to be able to sit on the stage at the Cook-Off with my husband Mike, My dear Kristina and my lovely daughter Kyle. We got treated royally, we were forced to drink the wonderful wine and taste all of the contestents amazing food!!!! Glad we didn't have to judge, it was really all too good to have picked just one winner. It was such a fun and exciting experience, I really tried to be in the moment on that one!On top of all that excitment, I had my art booth set up in the arts and crafts area and was signing posters, so it was a whirlwind weekend! We all had a great time, and sales were good ; )

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Spring has sprung!

The year is turning out to be a great year for my art...I won first place for the Gilroy Garlic Festival poster contest...I am very excited about that. It's cool to walk into the festival and see your art on the program, aprons, t-shirts and of course the poster : ) I will also have my booth there again this year, it should be a really fun time.

I started my first art show of the year at the Gilroy Assistance League's Home and Garden tour. That was a great place to begin my art shows this year. A beautiful country home in Gilroy surrounded by the hills and a lovely garden. I was joined on saturday by my friend Julie Franco, who is a very talented Gilroy artist. I think she will soon be sharing her art with the public too, and it is wonderful art that must be seen.

This saturday was the Gilroy Wine Stroll, which was also a fun event. We have a lot of great wineries in Gilroy, we are becoming a little Napa.

Next weekend is Fernwood Winery. I am really looking forward to this show. In a Redwood Grove with Wine, food, Chocolate, music and art, wow I love my job!